Interactive Edutainment

Magic Touch - Professional Quality Made in Germany

The many various models of the children's attractions offer you interesting and modern applications which are targeted for specific groups. The enormous flexibility and durability of the products make it possible to integrate the educational gaming systems in almost every children's waiting room and adventure area. Along with private practices, clinics and banks, these also include retail stores, shopping centres and many more.
Retail & Shopping

Waiting can be fun – With our interactive edutainment touch toys impatient children are no longer a problem while shopping. […]

Restaurant & Pub

Sturdy and maintenance free – Whether sturdy gaming devices in fast-food chains or elegant designs in high-class restaurants […]


Playful diversion – Relaxation for young and old. Playfully calm your youngest patients’ fears of doctor visits and offer a pleasant, relaxed waiting atmosphere […]

Public Spaces

Calm children allow for a relaxed consultation – An important consultation appointment and the offspring are also there […]

Car Dealer

Keeping kids perfectly occupied at your showroom


Offer your little passengers a inspiring occupation at any time

Hotel Business

Durable and customized kids corner and indoor playground for the hotel business

 Katalog 2024

Magic Touch

The concept Magic Touch is an interactive edutainment solution for children which was specifically designed for the commercial sector. Along with the primary factors such as child safety, perfect quality, intuitive operation and educational responsibility, we also considered the requirements of retailers, restaurants, and healthcare services as well the goals of easing the burden on employees and ensuring calm, non-disruptive gameplay. This not only includes the various terminal configurations and gaming corners, but also Magic Touch, the interactive touchscreen for children of all ages, which has been certified as nonviolent and therapeutic. The multi-lingual multi-media system currently includes more than 20 games and applications in the fields of creativity, reaction and logical thinking and is currently available in more than 20 languages.
Magic PlayTable Deluxe
Magic PlayTable Deluxe
Mit unserem neuem Tisch Magic PlayTable Deluxe haben wir einen robusten zu zugleich modernen Spieltisch für Erwachsene und Kinder geschaffen.
Magic Screen
Magic Screen
Our easy to build-in appliances offer the opportunity to integrate our Magic Touch gaming systems in your children’s play area or waiting room at any time, even if the available space does not permit standalone play kiosk or wall-mounted appliances.
Magic Wall
Magic Wall
Our wall-mounted aplliances from the Magic Wall series are not only available uni-coloured but also with floor-length decorative front panels from various series. The HPL-laminated front panels are scratch-proof and unbreakable and can be individually designed as desired.
Magic Wall Deluxe
Magic Wall Deluxe
The plug-and-play, maintenance-free and absolute space-saving Magic Wall Decor Deluxe gaming systems are now available with a large floor-length HPL coated front panel with motifs from different series.
Magic Wall Double
Magic Wall Double
The space-saving edutainment gaming system Magic Wall Deluxe is also availbe with 2 touch screen on different levels to meet all childrens’s needs and wishes. As an add-one also available: Magic Seat Cube & BeanBag
The many various free standing models offer an interesting and modern usage options which are targeted for specific groups. The enormous flexibility of the gaming systems makes it possible to integrate the children’s terminals into almost every commercial children’s waiting room and adventure area.
Magic PlayIsland
Magic PlayIsland
The Magic PlayIsland will not only meet the challenge of achieving the smallest possible floor space for a children’s play area, it also provides up to 4 gaming units for up to 8 or more children at one device.
Magic Seats
Magic Seats
Our children’s playstations now also come with comfortable and unique beanbags in Beanbag or Cube format. The beanbags are printed with our most popular children’s themes and are made of a material for outdoor usage. This makes our Magic Seats extremely robust, even tear-resistant and highly water-repellent.
Along with the standard play kiosks for smaller and mid-sized children’s play areas, we can also offer large devices for up to 8 or more children at one time. These systems can often be used to replace an entire children’s play area as well as to selectively locate it for space-saving purposes.
Magic Touch II is the interactive touch-screen game collection for children of all ages, violence free and educational appraised. The multilingual, multimedia system currently features more than 20 games and applications from the areas of creativity, reaction and logical thinking and is presently available in more than 20 languages.

Interactive Waiting Room Toys

Let's stay and play!

Unser Grundsatz für perfektes Kinder Edutainment weltweit.
Aufgrund der langjährigen Erfahrung und Installationen in über 30 Ländern ist OrgaControl Amusement heute einer der führenden Hersteller von elektronischen Kinderspielsystemen mit Touchscreen's für den gewerblichen Bereich. Der Einsatzbereich reicht von der kleinen Kinderspielecke im Einzelhandel oder Wartezimmer bis hin zum Indoorspielplatz.

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Aktuelle Stellenangebote

Mit über 20 Jahren Erfahrung und Installationen in mahr als 30 Ländern ist die OrgaControl GmbH heute einer der führenden Hersteller von interaktiven Kinderspielsystemen mit Touchscreen für den gewerblichen Bereich.